If your cellphone has malfunctioned, you might be tempted to attempt a DIY fix with cheap parts and a handy dandy guide from the Internet. While this seems like a quick and cost efficient fix, it can turn into a nightmare. Relying on cheap parts to replace ones that have malfunctioned is a risk you should never take.
While it is possible to install low-cost parts into your broken cellphone, doing so is not prudent. Those cheap parts rarely stand the test of time. Imagine ordering those parts from the web, finding a DIY repair guide, installing the parts and thinking you are good to go until a month later when the phone once again malfunctions. It’s a never ending cycle that will burn a hole in your pocket, cause plenty of frustration and cut into your free time.
It is also worth noting that plenty of cellphone owners who attempt the DIY repair route with low cost parts often damage the phone even more, creating the need for additional parts. That means more money down the drain and a very unhappy cellphone owner. These customers show up at our shop all the time with half assembled cellphones, bags of parts and frowns on their faces.
Fixing broken cellphones is actually much more difficult than it looks. Even if you are able to get the phone back in one piece after installing those bargain bin parts, the screen might not turn on or something else could easily go wrong. If this happens, you will be in for an extensive and tedious troubleshooting process.